What's the difference between creativity and imagination?


Creativity, like imagination, is very hard to define. As an artist, or a creative, you will nonetheless need healthy doses of both. They overlap sometimes appearing to be the same. Both can be enhanced and stimulated to free and empower your creator soul. But what’s the difference?

The fundamental difference between the two is that imagination requires no intent or action. Creativity is the implementation of what the imagination reveals. Creativity offers an outcome based on a strategy that can be calculated, spontaneous, conceptual, abstract, and unscripted. It needs action or expression in order to have any significant value. Let’s dissect the two.

IMAGINATION: One of many official definitions of imagination is: the faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses.

In other words, it’s the conjuring up of “stuff” that does not necessarily exist or aligns with the reasoning of standard norms. It is not confined by logic or the laws of physics. It is limitless. It is the launching pad of creativity. It can simply be void of purpose or action, eternally floating in the ether.

Imagination kind of just happens randomly, at will, many times uninvited. The wiring in our brain is constantly at work as every thought includes a dose of imagination. Maybe the ultimate and defining difference is that creativity has boundaries. The imagination is limitless and infinite. We can literally imagine everything and anything. Nothing is remotely impossible. That is power!

Imagination has been our most formidable ally since the birth and consciousness of our species. Some would argue that it’s one attribute that separates us from all other animals… a gift that makes us “supreme" and advanced. It has also been our supreme enemy. It can generate such beauty, successes, and emotional escape.Imagination also invites advancement. But it’s not all power and poetry.

It can also and does engender extreme ugliness: massacres and genocides, WMD, greed and torture. It can produce emotional and cerebral paralysis through worry, fear, and anxiety.

CREATIVITY: Unlike imagination, creativity has boundaries and limits. Creativity has the challenge of turning ideas, fantasy etc, into answers into something tangible, or applicable. Those answers are limited to our knowledge, intellect and available resources. Where as imagination knows no bounds.

Creativity needs nurture and stimulation and doesn’t just happen. Many think It’s a skill or talent. It’s not. It’s a mindset fueled by our imagination. It helps us design a better life for ourselves by allowing us to apply solutions that negate roadblocks and defy locked doors when leveraged.

It helps us heal from our past wounds, in particular childhood trauma through expression. The wounded inner child seems to develop heightened creativity as a coping mechanism that often inspires art in its many forms. Though creativity is not limited to art… and everybody is creative.

The New York Times best-selling American author Eric Jerome Dickey says that, “It’s impossible to explain creativity. It’s like asking a bird, ‘How do you fly?’ You just do.” Dickey has a point, though I wouldn’t call it impossible to explain — difficult, yes, but not impossible. Is anything really impossible? That depends on your imagination and creativity.

You can learn more on this topic in my book, FLYING BEYOND THE NET


Vital Germaine

6-time author



How to Easily Resolve and Minimize Conflicts... at home and at work

Conflicts are inevitable and in many ways a healthy part of human interaction. Other times, they suck!

They allow us to see and understand what is important to us and to others… the metaphoric line in the sand. However, left unresolved, conflicts fracture strong, meaningful relationships and weaken the works in progress. Resentment builds, slowly turning to anger, disdain, insult and injury.

At the heart of most conflicts is miscommunication and most importantly, lack of understanding or empathy (emotional intelligence). The key is to resolve them quickly and effectively. How do you achieve that?

Here's how.

1.  MAINTAIN an optimistic outlook… by staying optimistic and hopeful, you will experience less frustration and therefore, more calm. A calm mind doesn’t get lost in the negative ego that fuels conflict.

2.  PRACTICE Empathetic listening… it’s not always about your perspective and opinion. Taking their angle into consideration could diffuse the issue.

3.  ASK the other person to suggest a solution. This one works wonders because it empowers the other person. Often times, anger is a result of having no power or voice.

4.  SEEK to understand… most conflicts are based on misunderstanding. If you focus on understanding, you may still disagree, but it’s hard to become negative or defensive. Did I mention empathy?

5.  CONSIDER your role in the conflict and adapt accordingly. Ultimately, we are responsible for our choices and behavior and can change them at any time. We can’t change the behavior of others. Conflicts are rarely based on one person or one side. This realization is the game-changer. Unfortunately, accountability is in big part the deal breaker. Carry this responsibility well and enjoy the rewards.

6.  ACKNOWLEDGE the opinions and perspective of others. Sometimes the simple act of acknowledging somebody else’s opinion is a massive first step to resolution. Let them clearly know you see and respect their point or perspective.

7.  STATE your case tactfully. Diplomacy goes a long way. Humans are emotional beings, with some being more sensitive than others. Tact doesn’t mean being soft or compromising your stance. Tact is about optimizing your emotional intelligence to secure a positive outcome.

8.  “ATTACK" the problem, not the person. This is the one that we too easily get caught up in. The problem becomes personal and we focus on accusing the person of wrong-doing. Though wrong-doing may be the issue, the root cause lies deeper. Take time to explore the real problem.

9.  AVOID the blame game. This is something we’ve probably all done at some point; blame. It may not be your fault, but you are always responsible for how you react or respond. Not everybody is capable of personal accountability. Make sure you are capable, less run down a cul-de-sac of zero growth.

10.                ORGANIZE a necessary and concise meeting to openly discuss. Focus on the resolve. The key it to use the time effectively and strategically. If you can’t meet in person (preferably), a video conference call (zoom, Skype or…). Make sure it’s done in a relaxed environment and opportune time. Address the issue openly and using the previous 9 steps… share this list with them too and both agree and commit to following this playbook.

BRING IT ALL TOGETHER: Tap into your Emotional Intelligence and become more aware of your personal behavior, needs and emotional triggers. Become even more aware of the triggers in others. It’s a two-way street. Breathe, relax, step outside of yourself for a moment and respond from a healthy place void of stress, anger or unconscious bias. If you’ve executed all ten options and zero resolve has been established, you may be dealing with an ass%&*#. Walk away and cut your losses. It’s a long-term win win.

LEARN MORE: My online communication course has a whole session dedicated to this topic. While you’re there, you’ll obtain endless tools to improve your communication and relationships.


Vital Germaine

6-time author

Inspirationalist: keynote speaker / coach / trainer

How to find inspiration


Here are some solutions to help you find inspiration if and when you are experiencing “writer’s block” or feeling in a rut lacking drive.

When we find inspiration, or feel inspired, we are empowered, driven and compelled to do things; amazing things. We find answers. We imagine, we create, we become. We are fueled with a drive that provides confidence and resilience. Nothing can and will stop us when we are inspired.

The problem is, we aren’t always inspired. We are often idealess, unable to see beyond the issue. We feel stuck, hopeless even. Now what?

How do you get out of the doldrums? How to overcome those negative situations and be energized to achieve and overcome. How can you find inspiration? How can you invite it when it ain’t happening? How can you stimulate it?

In this video, you will find answers.


VITAL ‘inspire’ GERMAINE: designing resilient mindsets that reach higher

Mindset Coach, speaker, consultant & 6-time Author


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Are there coincidences or is it deeper?

You’ve been fighting so hard to take that next step in life or overcome the things that have knocked you down; you’ve been lied to and your heart’s been broken, or even worse, you are recovering from your narcissist x, you’ve lost your job due to COVID, or your career has come to a fork in the road, mid-life crisis, or you’ve simply lost your sense of purpose and drive. Maybe you’re not clinically depressed, but you’re about to give up… what to do?

The day we met.

The day we met.

When all was lost and I wanted to give up on everything, including life because I simply couldn’t envision the next step, the next chapter, let alone the next sentence of the story, I found an answer.

It was an answer that I had unknowingly leveraged throughout my life; an answer we all have access to. We simply forget the answers are always within reach. The shadows were seemingly too big at the team. They were too dark; overwhelmingly heavy. I didn’t want to die. I didn’t want to live. I had just lost hope on finding an answer.

Ironically, what saved me was the very thing I had given up on… hope! More specifically, a dog I had named Hope.

He was a rescue with a number and a computer generated name.

We spent 15 minutes at the animal shelter in the outside run together. He ignored me; that hurt! Even a dog didn’t want my love at the time. Then, as I was about to give up on him, he walked over, stood up, placed his paws on my shoulder, wagged his tail and smiled. That smile said so much. It changed things even more.

“Take me home. I am choosing you,’ he said.

But wait.

“I came here to choose a dog.”


Sometimes I believe there are no coincidences and that things happen because they must; we cross paths with certain souls at specific moments designed to teach us, help us, or ask something of us to give. The dog I actually came to visit had already been adopted. I had arrived too late and hadn’t even noticed Kibo. The assistant suggested I look some more.

Kibo just barked like most of the other dogs. He looked big and menacing. Who wouldn’t bark like that caged up, sensing your hours are up; either bark or silently die of a broken heart before the injection kills you.

The second he put his paws on my shoulder and chose me, I was filled with purpose and hope. I was going to take care of something other than me. At the time, I was at my lowest. Life had never been this dark and helpless. Most days I had trouble getting out of bed. At least I now had a reason to get out of bed; even if only to feed and walk my new dog. Kibo, means hope in Japanese.

Getting out of bed gradually became the new standard. The walks became longer and more fulfilling. The shadows lifted their burdens. I simply focused on being there for Kibo… really he was there for me. He was sent to give me hope when I had lost it. I clung to that ember of hope named Kibo. Angels wear strange disguises; this one dressed up as an Akita-Shepherd mix.

Hope turned into optimism. Optimism turned into action… baby steps. Without hope, I may have been writing a very different blog.

When are you on the verge of giving up, find one thing that gives you a glimmer of hope. Cling to it for dear life. Nurture it with every gram of energy you have in your soul. Allow that distant flicker of light to grow. One day, you will wake up and realize that it is no longer night all of the time. It may not happen over night, but with enough hope, it will happen. Enjoy the dawn. Life offers us new beginnings. We must sometimes dig deep. Hope is always there lingering, waiting to be called. It is your best friend; even if not a dog.

Hope is not an empty notion conceived by poets. It is real. Substantial scientific research has been done to show that hope changes and saves lives. (watch the video). I share and express hope in many ways; including through my artistic creations. Check out my HOPE line for Shokaku Apparel.

Sometimes we need hope from external sources. Take it, use it borrow it. Other times, it is our turn to be the hope for another soul. It is an eternal flame that gets continually shared and passed on. Thank you Kibo.


VITAL ‘inspire’ GERMAINE: designing resilient mindsets that reach higher

Mindset Coach, speaker, consultant & 6-time Author


How to become and reveal the real you

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Removing our mask to show the world who we truly are is potentially one of the biggest self-imposed hurdles humans face. It takes some serious courage to be ourselves and live authentically.

We are continually bombarded by social norms and pressured by the expectations of those we value. We want to fit in, be accepted and loved. The painful irony is that if people only love our mask, then they can never truly love us. And that hurts. This toxic dilemma of the human condition invites loneliness. It denies our inability to connect on a deeper and more meaningful level with the many that need the true us. If we are all pretending, then wow, what a long play to watch and be in. Do we really have time for that?

Superficial convos at the water cooler or the bar during happy-hour serve a great purpose. They initiate an opportunity to experience more depth. Here’s the ugly double-faced side of that coin. Yes, we expanded our network and zone of influence, all the while, we present a “fake” personal brand to somebody, and now we have to keep up that facade, less be judged for being fake… OH, THE TRAGIC IRONY of wanting to make a good impression and be liked and accepted. But wait, there’s more…

Imagine a world where you showed up as you… FREE. Imagine a world where you were okay, confident and empowered to be you, void of social trepidation, not concerned, or having to impress, or keep up with the 4.7 BILLION Jones’ on social media. Wow, that’s a lot of people to impress and try to influence. Why impress them all? Why not impress the like-minded individuals whose purpose and journey compliment yours. If you were financially wealthy as hell, you’d be more inclined to take off your mask. Imagine the healthy boundaries you’d set. Imagine the people you’d eliminate from your life. Imagine the BS you wouldn’t put up with. Imagine how you’d live… damn, how cool would that be?

Over the years, I have found myself admiring those who live life unapologetically with balls the size of… well, balls that are larger than life. People love them or hate them, and they are fine with that. They say what they feel. They express their values and beliefs. They make enemies. They find meaningful, life-long relationships. Why, because when we honor, protect and honor our values, we attract that. If you interact with people with the same values, you will find you can disagree without experiencing fundamentally divisive situations.

BTW, I don’t like some of those authentic people and need to keep them far away from me, but I respect and admire them for their candor: Madonna, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk… and a few a-holes in my life that you don’t know, and probably don’t want to know (unless your values align).

This philosophy of pure honest expression and living, doesn’t mean being reckless, lacking compassion and awareness as to how your words or actions could devastate others. In your freedom and authenticity, be kind and respectful. Know when to speak and share. Know when to keep quiet for the greater good. Just don’t pretend. Pretending is manipulation. Pretending is deceit. Pretending is lying. Maybe that’s why the world has become more depressed. We are all lying, knowing that our own truth is not quite as “glamorous’ as our contrived reality or character suggests. We can lie to others but never to ourselves.

When we lie to ourselves, it becomes hard to trust ourselves. It becomes hard to look in the mirror and be proud of our character. An element of shame and guilt will slowly invade our psyche. We are then tempted to lie even more to convince ourselves of what we are pretending to be is real. But we know. The cycle repeats and repeated. We entertain destructive behaviors and develop negative habits to help us deny the shadows. That is not only emotionally and intellectually exhausting, it exhausts the soul, and who really wants that kind of #$%@ in their lives?

It’s harder, but much more simple to be you. Take off your mask.

Take off your mask and you will invite happiness through your authenticity.

Take off your mask and you will invite happiness through your authenticity.

Long term, the right people will find you. Long term, you will find love. Long term you will experience the sense of belonging all humans crave; even the extreme introverts will. Take off your mask and you will invite happiness through your authenticity. You may cry a few tears as you shed your fake skin, and your fake friends. It will be worth it in the end.

 If you need or want to begin that journey, check out the FREE resources on my website. They are designed to bring you value. If you are ready to do a deep dive into self transformation, connect with me to set up a complimentary discovery session to see if you are a good coaching client that I can help.

Remember to subscribe to stay in the now.


VITAL ‘inspire’ GERMAINE: designing resilient mindsets that reach higher

Mindset Coach, speaker, consultant & 6-time Author


3 Sources That Invite Success

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We all define success in different ways based on our values and life expectations. Here are 3 platforms that will help you define and create what success is for you.


People tend to feel successful when a combination of certain needs and values fall into alignment. This alignment or harmony is called IKIGAI in ancient Japanese philosophy. It is your zone of genius. Watch the video that breaks it down IKIGAI

Ultimately, it’s not a destination but rather a feeling unique to you. We know we we are successful due to our emotional response. We feel good about ourselves for (fill in your blank). Being aware of that can minimize an eternal pursuit of success.


Regardless of your definition, success is always a collection of well planned and executed steps that you commit to over extended periods of time. A teacher who feels successful has invested their time and passion to attain that which makes them feel successful. Same for a top athlete, a parent, a friend… consider the KAIZEN philosophy.

Kaizen is a Japanese term meaning "change for the better" or "continuous improvement." It is a Japanese business philosophy regarding the processes that continuously improve lives; culture, team dynamics, leadership, operations. It applies to your personal life and is easy to implement.

Along that journey, it will probably include being knocked down multiple times, but getting back up no matter what. How many times you get back up and continuing with the small incremental steps is a choice only you can make and commit to.

3. 21/90 RULE

To assist you along the journey of growth and transformation implement the 21/90 Rule. What is the 21/90 Rule? https://lnkd.in/gJMb7Ca



Keynote Speaker, Master Trainer, Mindset Coach & 6-time Author.

Inspiring minds to open and reach higher

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How do we unlearn racist and bias behavior?

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The first and toughest hurdle to overcome along the journey of diversity, equity and inclusion is acknowledging that we all have conscious and unconscious biases. The line between racist and bias is dangerously unclear and relative. Either way, they are both learned. Which means they can be unlearned. Bias is not always harmful or detrimental, whereas racism always is. So, how do we begin to unlearn?

PAINFUL INTROSPECTION: It takes painful introspection, uncomfortable listening, and new actions or behaviors to understand one’s own flaws and obtuseness. Yep, it’s gonna hurt. You will feel shame and guilt, which will spark the desire to divert, deflect and deny reality. Most times we live in sincere denial of our warped perspectives; hence the term, unconscious bias. Just because there is a lack of awareness and intention, does not mean our unconscious bias is not harmful.

It took me years of internal work to understand and acknowledge that in the past, I had sexist tendencies (unconscious and intentional). I denied it to myself for the longest time, because denying it meant I didn’t have to admit, let alone accept that I had been wrong and ignorant the whole time.

Nobody likes that kind of guilt or shame trip. Shedding those layers of shame and guilt gave me clarity, wisdom and more confidence. It enabled me to become a better leader, friend, sibling; better human being. This heightened level of consciousness that we are all bias opens the door to true dialogue, learning, growth and change. 

  1. EQUITY:  We have already been practicing diversity for a long time now in the workplace. Diversity has always been there, even through segregation. America is made up of diverse cultures. Leveraging the concept of diversity to open doors to more encompassing work environments has been helpful, but it’s not enough. We then added the concept of inclusion. Great! It’s still not enough. It is time to make EQUITY a standard and not a privilege. Equity means that not only is everybody invited to the table, it also means everybody is allowed to eat the same food. Further more, it means that your food is served on the same plate of opportunity as everybody else. Maybe most importantly, it means that you have a say on what’s on the menu, how it’s served and the overal design of the dining event… oh, let’s not forget that you get to smoke the cigars and drink the expensive cognac after dinner in the study with the good old boys. THAT is equity and it’s powerful.

    Through understanding, we can aspire to truly achieve the objective of EQUITY and have all voices represented and heard. For example: The Supreme Court should have a mandatory representation of diversity: black, native Indian, women, gay/transgender and so forth. That would change a lot right there.

  2. GETTING DIRTY: In our personal lives, it is entirely your call or non-call. In regards to thew work place, an element of blame or responsibility can be shifted to leadership. Why? Because… despite the need for corporate programs and the help the provide, but only if they allow for mud and grime, you know, those courageous conversations we avoid and that leadership sweeps under the rug. If you have a “woke” President or CEO, then there is hope. Otherwise, it’s a question of, “Oh Please!” Checking a box serves no purpose, and will waste your business $$$$. Diversity programs must enable and incite getting dirty, raw, blatantly honest, uncomfortable and disruptive. It will mean elevated levels of listening and empathy. It will mean killing your ego at the door, redesigning policy, and implementing new strategies.

  3. ACCOUNTABILITY: The next level in the unlearning equation is… claiming ownership and becoming responsible and accountable for our mindsets, choices and actions. Though company culture is a team sport, each team has a coach or manager. There are also individuals on a team that can propel or hold back a championship run. The higher up the corporate food chain you are, the more impact you have on the mindsets, behaviors and choices of your employees; the culture and the brand.

  4. OPTIMISM: I believe we have reached a very painful, yet hopeful time in American history. All players must board the anti-racist (sexist/homophobe) battle ship. Together, we must fight for victory and claim the bounty, TOGETHER. A pirate once said, “ You’re either was us, or against us.” - Savvy.

  5. LEARNING: Most journeys of success require training or coaching. As individual, ask questions to disenfranchised groups. Listen to understand. Put yourself in their shoes… and believe their reality. Imposing your reality defeats the purpose and prevents learning.

    Regarding leadership and culture, it’s about training the team. Explore my Diversity Equity and Inclusion Keynote and Training. It’s called ULTIMATE SYNERGY.


“Change is hard at the beginning. Messy in the middle. Gorgeous at the end.” - Robin Sharma.



Vital Germaine

7-time author



10 best ways to develop resilience


If you develop resilience, everything changes.

Like all abilities, some are gifted with elevated servings, which doesn’t guarantee success or the increased odds of overcoming and achieving a goal.

What exactly is resilience?

Resilience is a super power that is in big part built on the platform of your attitude or mindset. Having a positive attitude doesn’t mean that everyday is filled with sunshine, rose petals and happiness. Positive people have down days and moments of doubt and pessimism. It’s a matter of not drowning in the dirt of self-pity and getting back to a mindset of optimism quickly. It’s about living with hope and belief that tomorrow can and will be better, even great. This mindset of hope builds mental and emotional calluses that enable you to weather storms and set backs. Like all skills, it takes discipline and repeated effort to master. The good news is, the curriculum is simple and easy.

No matter how hard the challenge, we have the choice to dig deep, know that the dust will clear. Adapt, and focus on thriving… you may need to design a road map or learn new skills.

Here’s the beautiful part.

If you bounce back once, you build an extra layer of resilience. Each time you overcome a problem your confidence grows. As your confidence grows you become more resilient because you believe you can and will bounce back. And that is a beautiful cycle.

Another key to resilience is the ability to be creative with your strategy and approach the waves in different ways with different tools. Sometimes the waves will crash and you’ll feel like drowning. Be calm and don’t resist. Trust the process, and yourself.

The Top 10 Resilience List!

  1. TIME: Take time to catch your breath, heal and recover from each crashing wave

  2. SELF-CARE: Indulge in masses of self-care

  3. MEDITATE: Stay calm and carry on

  4. INNER CIRCLE: Evaluate your circle and eliminate haters and naysayers

  5. PURPOSE: find a powerful reason as to why you should and want to continue

  6. DESIRE: Connect with your deepest desires… how hungry are you?

  7. THOUGHTS: Manage your thoughts

  8. EMOTIONS: Allow yourself to feel the good the bad and the ugly

  9. ACTION: Take action on a consistent basis

  10. CREATIVITY: focus on options, solutions and answers… there are always many

Whenever you get stuck, lost or pessimistic, copy, paste, repeat necessary steps in the list. In focusing on overcoming, your brain develops new and positive pathways that make you more resilient, kind of like building muscle at the gym. The more you work out, the stronger and healthier you become… the better you feel about yourself. The better you feel about yourself, the more good stuff comes your way. Make developing resilience as a life priority. Everything will change for the good.

Contact me for deeper learning and coaching options.

In my top-selling book, FLYING WITHOUT A NET, I share an inspirational journey that personifies the mindset of resilience. Resilience gives us wings, empowering us to overcome anything and everything.

The book has been called:










1. PAPERBACK COVER 2020 JPEG_flying without a net.jpg

In celebration of the 5 year anniversary of releasing the top-selling book, Flying Without a Net, the cover has been updated for a re-launch.

Get your copy today:



Vital Germaine

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How to optimize your mindset

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Mindset is not limited to what’s in your head.

It’s much further reaching than that. There has been an ongoing debate for centuries as to what the mind is and where it resides. We have been programmed to point to our brain when we think of the mind.

It’s a combination of every aspect of your human experience: intellect, emotions, thoughts, imagination, memories, beliefs, will, intuition, diet, spirituality (not religion) and beyond. Which means, the mind is not just in your head.

According to science reporter, Olivia Goldhill, “The brain is the physical substance, and the mind is the conscious product of those firing neurons, according to the classic argument. But growing evidence shows that the mind goes far beyond the physical workings of your brain.”

Many contemporaries agree the mind lives in the brain or in our head and is responsible for consciousness. But is that true? Even great philosophers like Descartes and Locke weren’t quite sure. Dr. John Hagelin  (leader of the Transcendental Meditation movement in the United States) embraces the idea that mind or consciousness does not necessarily exist in the brain.

Humans actually have 3 brains:


1. THE BRAIN: synapses fire in the brain, generating thought and ideas. Sigmund Freud claims the mind is divided into three levels of awareness (see image below) - Oh come on! Really?


2. THE GUT: is connected to inutuition, hence the term, a gut feeling. What you eat impacts your mind or your consciousness… we are what we eat or consume.

3. THE HEART: is connect to emotions… a broken heart. According to the HEARTMATH institute, the heart sends more signals to the brain than the other way around. The heart also emits a frequency field much larger than the brain. So does that mean the heart is the dominant brain? Who knows, but the heart is the antenna to our consciousness.

Digested food and liquids in the gut fuel the heart. The heart pumps oxygen rich blood to the brain and back to the gut. The brain processes that information. It tells us to eat when the gut is empty. One beautiful synchronized dance.

Optimize your mindset (and life), we must nourish all aspects of the mind:

  1. Meditate

  2. Be mindful

  3. Eat healthy

  4. Exercise

  5. Hydrate

  6. Rest / recharge

  7. Express yourself (release/let go)

Bring it all together through mindful living.

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As a life-coach, author and speaker, I go deep into all those aspects of the human condition to help people optimize their mindset in order to overcome, heal and reach higher. In a nutshell, work on yourself at all levels. That’s when you’ll grow wings to reach higher and optimize your human experience.

To learn more about coaching or training options, contact me today for a FREE discovery session. Let’s get you where you want to be.


Vital Germaine

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When it all goes horribly wrong... then what?


What does one do when life knocks you down, cause it will at some point.

Horrible crap is going to happen in life. Embrace that fact. Allow set backs to be without resisting. The event is not in your control… however, what happens next is. You get to choose. Are you going to become the victim or the student? I dug my way out of this career-ending injury, fighting depression, loss of purpose and direction. Shit happens. I had to re-invent myself and find a new purpose, or write a new chapter building on the same purpose.


I share this insight because I’ve been through it multiple times, feeling doubt and the temptation to give up. And at times, I did… only temporarily. The ultimate solution is to get knocked down 6 times, but get up 7!

Below is an excerpt from the book, FLYING WITHOUT A NET 2.0


With seconds remaining, I stood at the center of the backstage tent, set to attempt something I shouldn’t have. 


The pain hit as if a surgeon forgot to give his patient morphine while he poked and prodded exposed flesh with a blowtorch. 

I clenched my jaw and breathed heavily through flared nostrils. My body tensed. My temperature rocketed. The veins in my arms bulged and my tongue turned dry, yet leaked a strange taste. I wanted to puke. The brows of my forehead contracted. 

I closed my eyes, but pain and curiosity pried them open, so I looked down at my right leg. It curved and kinked askew, mimicking the left from the perspective of a warped looking glass. I took in long, deep breaths to fight the discomfort, lungs pounding against my ribcage. 

Breathe, deep and slow, Vital. 

Nothing changed. 

Why today? 

Ah, no worries, it’s nothing. Just a minor sprain. 

No, I can tell this is bad. I know it. This is the end. Why me? 

Stop. It’s not the end. Think positive. Exhale.

This is the sequel to the best-selling FLYING WITHOUT A NET


  • "A 10!"










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A revealing interview with a former Vegas police officer

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A friend, and former police officer, Randy Sutton, shared a mind-opening experience that enabled him to learn, grow and expand his perception. It not only made him a better cop, it also made him a better human being, by his own admission.

At the time of this interview, the tension and awareness around police culture was still a tamed beast, partly due to lack of exposure to some flaws in the system, and the toxic culture. This interview sheds insight on some simple implementation strategies that would promote and inspire meaningful change. The journey of detective Randy Sutton, began with a simple experience that changed so much for him. One change creates ripple effects.


“We have all been guilty, at some point, of resisting change. I am as guilty as anybody else.”

- Officer Rand Sutton

Officer Sutton’s mindset was shifted by a mentor who simply exposed him to a new way of perceiving life.

Sutton: “It allowed me to open up my mind to a wide variety of people. And I realized that I had to stifle my own thought processes and was a little myopic in the way I viewed the world. It allowed me to grow as a person. It allowed me to express myself, and from that, I became a healthier human being.

Times have changed a great deal from the time that I was first a police officer. Cops will always deal with the worst of humanity. They will always be exposed to violence, to cruelty. Things that people should really never see. The other side of that coin is that there are so many more diverse workplaces now than when I was a young cop. There were very few women in the job; there were very few blacks or Hispanics in the job. It was a lily-white kind of job and that’s changed tremendously. That’s innovation for you. Because of that, there is a much richer environment in which to work.” 

Me: “Diversity has become this important buzz word. Did you witness resistance to this sort of organic change that was happening?” 

Sutton: “Yes, I was part of that resistance. We have all been guilty, at some point, of resisting change. I am as guilty as anybody else. The mindset of creativity minimizes resistance due to being open and willing to embrace the new.” 

Me: “Do you want to share a little bit of that?” 

Sutton: “Sure. My police department back in Princeton...

Read the full interview in Chapter 30 of INNOVATION MINDSET.


The big lesson from this interview, is that it would actually take very little to inspire positive change. Like any cultural shift, it takes a few fundamental action steps:

  1. Acknowledging change is needed (the most simple yet most difficult step to achieve)

  2. Accountability from leadership (equity)

  3. Setting a clear intention (redefining mission: de-escalation over enforcement)

  4. Establishing a roadmap

  5. Training


Serve and protect must be re-defined: who are we serving and who are we protecting, and why? What does serving and protecting look like? Is it deescalation or enforcement?

If there is one department across the American cultural landscape that needs innovation, it’s our police force. True, authentic, Cultural Diversity and Inclusion needs to be the new programming. That includes the vision, the mission statement… and beyond.

A fundamental mindset shift, if not re-invention in our law enforcement policies could single-handedly, promote and inspire a country that truly honors the intentions of our constitution. I am a romantic and believe we can and will live those words of total inclusion: for ALL.


Vital Germaine,


As president of ENGAGE Teams 360, my mission is to inspire and promote more forward-thinking mindsets and cultures, with a focus on solutions. If your company is ready to address and improve its Cultural Diversity, Equity and Inclusion program and/or philosophy, we’d love to help you with our virtual training sessions. Contact us today to learn more.

Sexism and racism... the unfortunate parallels


I believe it would be wrong of me, as a man, to deny that sexism (which was also systematic) exists based on the fact that some women have treated me poorly, too. The issue is not about ME and my experiences. It is about the bigger picture of sexism. And men, let's be brutally honest with ourselves (accountability), what was the norm? We'd call those women who stood up, "They're over reacting and being emotional... OR, she's a PMS-ing bitch." The same principal applies to racism.

Having said that, I am glad women have been finally heard and that some of the main chauvinist a-holes have been jailed and held accountable. More needs to change regarding sexism. More change needs to happen regarding all forms of discrimnation. It just happens that racism is the current and urgent focus as it is costing lives.

We have reached a potential tipping point. We have never had this much understanding and support (globally) from the white community. Please continue supporting to end racism. Don't get lost in political agendas and manipulation of reality. Politics and racism are two separate issues.


I believe change is around the corner and it may get ugly before the sun shines.

"Change is hard at first. Messy in the middle. Gorgeous at the end." - Robin Sharma

We are still in the, hard at first, messy in the middle phase. We can and we will reach the gorgeous phase. :)

Should We Be Grateful for COVID 19?


I am not remotely grateful for COVID 19! The lessons learned, even though at an exorbitantly painful and high cost (human life) are powerful.

HEAL THE WORLD: The changed reality of “Love in The Times of COVID19” may well bring endless blessings. For the romantics and woke people, the world is healing.

WELLNESS: We have been forced to slow down and breathe.

FAMILY: The levels of distractions and temptations have diminished as we have collectively recalibrated our values barometer. The hustle and bustle lifestyle and mindsets focused on making more money to buy more toys has faded into the sunset of capitalistic opportunity, envy and greed. More people seem to get it now.

  • Do we really need that extra job to buy the second car to impress people we don’t even really know, let alone like?

  • Is it necessary to spend more than half of your life in a cubicle in the hope of climbing the ladder? And to what real gain?


The beauty and strength of family has been sacrificed for immediate rewards to gratify our addiction to the sweet sugar of money and possessions. Yet, when all is said and done, living for money costs us infinitely on a much more profound emotional scale.

  • We have been compelled to spend more time (hopefully it’s quality) with those we love (our family). Thank you.

The concept of family has been in steady decline for several decades. Why? Because the togetherness and healthiness of family got replaced with superficial needs and wants.

Inevitably parents are once again Investing in their children’s futures by being present parents. Otherwise, it’s standard modern parenting, which means, pay for education and school supplies, breakfast and dinner (usually fast food or processed food), an iPhone and a babysitter/nanny. Emotional stability is priceless, and has cost the wellbeing of recent generations. They have been raised pretty much by themselves in front of TV’s and electronic gadgets to replace our selfish need to hustle and feel worthy to the Jones’ (who actually don’t give a crap other than being better than you). Community centers have filled some of the void. But hey, thank you COVID19. Your destruction may have saved that day.

“Yay, let’s all eat a home cooked meal together.”

Parents are parenting again, even though many are humorously bitching on social media about going insane. This means, families are having meaningful conversations (and arguments). They are getting to learn each other’s quarks on a deeper and more intimate level. Kids need that kind of shit!

It is such a shame that something so dramatic and drastic is the teacher. Typically and regrettably, the greatest lessons and the biggest growth comes as a result of great pain and loss.

Now the big question is, where do you and your family go from here when “normally” resumes?

You’ve got this.


Vital Germaine,

Life-coach, keynotes speaker and top-selling author.

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3 Dream-Killing Character Traits


People often times begin a venture, such as applying for a job, approaching a romantic prospect, starting a business, wanting promotion or a pay increase and fall prey to 3 detrimental behavioral pillars.  As long as these three traits reside in your psyche,  success is almost impossible.

1. Having a fixed mindset 


“In a fixed mindset, people believe their basic qualities, like their intelligence or talent, are simply fixed traits. They spend their time documenting their intelligence or talent instead of developing them.” - Carol Dwek

At the onset of a pursuit are several hurdles to overcome. The first one is how you view the challenge and if you can see beyond it. That means opening your mind to having to fail, learn and adapt. Those with a fixed mindset will manifest their own demise before they take the first step. If you can’t adapt, embrace the change in wind direction, or welcome and accept feedback or coaching, the odds of achieving the goal are slim to none.

Darwin and life teaches as the value of adaptability. Even the master learns new lessons every day and welcomes them as a part of the journey. Growth, development and improvement are never-ending. You can’t remain the same person and expect growth and better results.

2. Lack of Belief.


In 1993, I auditioned for Cirque du Soleil while living in Manhattan on the most meager of budgets. Prior to that audition, professional rejection had become common-place… it never stopped… audition after audition and seemingly no progress. My dream was dying. Though I experienced doubt, deep down I always believed. It’s that inner belief that kept me going. It’s that inner belief that made me try one more time. And one day, that one more time became a life-changing opportunity. Had I stopped believing, I would have given up. When you believe, you simply can’t stop pursuing the dream. When you don’t believe, you will become exhausted and void of hope or enthusiasm… may as well say goodbye if you don’t believe.

3. Caring about what others think or say is kryptonite. 


During the entire first couple of years of Manhattan life, I was constantly pre-occupied with what others thought about my abilities, what they thought about my "foolish" American dream and what they'd say if I failed. 

The more we worry about the opinions of others, the more we are shackled, the harder it is to become our best self and succeed. Our purpose is not based on what others think. Our purpose is based on what compels us to do what we do; our WHY? We must not allow our reason for being to be distracted by the values and expectations that others place upon us. 

Never feel the need to validate or explain your values, dreams and desires to others. Most won't understand. Others don't care. Not to mention, many are secretly hoping you fail anywayl. Deny the naysayers and doubters. It's your dream.

You’ve got this.


Vital Germaine,

Life-coach, keynotes speaker and top-selling author.

Learn more in the book:



Vital Germaine_FLYING WITHOUT A NET 2.0.jpg

“Powerful! Inspirational! Triumphant!


“A  TEN!” 

The power of HOPE and OPTIMISM


Recovery and healing from trauma takes time. First, be aware that cutting the ambilicle chord that connects you to your pain, your past,  your hurt and your shame or guilt is necessary. Then you have to decide you want to be free and change. You will experience new pain as you purge. Persevere. Believe in the light at the end of the tunnel. I saw it when all was dark and lost. I found it. So will you.

Over the years, people often asked, what was the “secret” to how I delivered myself from my past and achieved my goals. The answer is neither simple nor easy. Sorry for the bad, realistic and honest news. 

The principals of triumph over adversity are the same principals of any success. The formula is not based on a singular defining decision, action, or magic pill, but rather a series of decisions followed by on-going repetitive action, all of which are intentionally designed and implemented to move us in the anticipated direction. Those decisions and actions must be fueled by hope, desire, determination, imagination and belief. An element of luck along the way helps, of course. 

It’s been said that luck is when preparation meets opportunity. Persistently taking action prepares us for the potholes on the road to achievement, taking us where the dream transforms into a hard earned reality. Beyond what happens to us, it is attitude that determines whether or not we arrive at our envisioned destination. We are empowered to choose. The choices are not always easy. It’s up to you. You’ve got this.

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Be inspired to spread your wings and FLY WITHOUT A NET










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Wants and needs; the difference.

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When it comes to pure economics and budgeting, the difference between what we want and what we need is relatively apparent. On an emotional level; happiness, fulfillment, balance - our needs and wants become a little more complicated. Knowing and understanding the difference can be a game changer in our lives.

To want (or desire) something can have great value. Desire is a great motivator. Your hunger for something that you don’t need is the dangling carrot. Keep chasing. Stay hungry. However, every coin has two sides. The flip side of want is not so appetizing.

Maslo’s hierarchy of needs

Maslo’s hierarchy of needs

Focusing on what you need is fiscally responsible and emotionally sound.

Wanting can lead to unhappiness because it’s a behavior that risks never being completely entertained. In other words, you risk developing an appetite for things that is never satiated; you always want more. As a result of that constant desire for more, for bigger, getter or faster, your soul becomes restless, disappointed… unhappy. It starves and constantly craves. You now live a vicious cycle of envy. This is a downside of capitalism or consumerism. We want and want and want. We compete with the neighbors because we want what they have. The neighbors are no longer the Jones’ next door. Everybody on social media is now an neighbor. According to Statista, an estimated 3.09 billion people will be using social media worldwide by 2021.

Finding your needs. Dig deep into your heart and soul. Be introspective and client to find what you really need. The answer is not money or power! Money, gets you perceived power. Power and money allow you to you more easily access the things that you need. In general our emotional needs are simple and cannot be bought: belonging, love, security and connection. The risk is this; money doesn’t buy genuine love or connection… it only buys short term substitutes which end up making us feel empty.

Ask yourself these 3 questions

  1. What do you need to be happy?

  2. What do you need to feel loved?

  3. What do you need to fee safe?

The answers to those 3 questions are your fundamental needs. Keep them very honest and very basic. You might find that your deepest wants are deeply routed in needs that weren’t met in childhood. Those lacking needs are often disguised as fears that hold us back and addictions/cravings the drive us to poor decisions. Meeting and honoring our true needs is what gets us there; self actualization (top of Maslo’s hierarchy of needs). Now, go out, identify those needs and use them as fuel to reach higher.


Vital Germaine

Life coach, keynote speaker, top selling author and President of ENGAGE Teams 360

3 Things That Will Kill Your Dream


Why do some achieve their dreams while others fall flat on their faces and get stuck in the mud of misery? The full answer is complex. Here’s a rudimentary answer as to why and how.

People often times pursue a dream or begin a venture, such as applying for a job, approaching a romantic prospect, starting a business, wanting promotion or a pay increase and fall prey to 3 main behavioral pillars.  


Deep down do you have subconscious program that is telling you you’re either not good enough, or you don’t deserve the fairy tale ending. The best of us experience this, including myself at different times through out my life. Like all things healing and growth begin with awareness.

In 1993, I auditioned for Cirque du Soleil while living in Manhattan on the most meager of budgets. Prior to the Cirque audition, professional rejection had become common-place. A part of me truly believed I was good enough and that it was just a matter of time. Meanwhile, this dark, negative whisper kept reminding me, “You suck, Vital. You’re a fool for thinking you could make it. They were all right. Walk away while you still have some dignity.” Ever heard that voice or something similar?

Without hope and confidence, aspirations die before they ever had the chance to breathe and live. 


During the entire first couple of years of Manhattan life, before running away with Cirque du Soleil, and silencing those ugly voices in my mind, I was constantly pre-occupied with what others thought about my abilities. What did they think about my "foolish" American dream. What would they say if I failed? Do my jeans make my ass look fat? Was I tall enough… black enough… white enough… talented enough… and the list goes on.  

The more we worry about the opinions of others, the more we are shackled, the harder it is to become our best self and succeed. Our purpose is not based on what others think. Our purpose is based on what compels us to do what we do; your why? We must not allow our reason for being to be distracted by the values and expectations that others place upon us. Kick those haters and doubters up the bum and tell them to piss off.

Never feel the need to validate or explain your values, dreams and desires to others. Most won't understand. Others don't care. Not to mention, many are secretly hoping you fail. Deny the naysayers and doubters. It's your dream. The second character trait that kills dreams is, "worrying what others' think or say."


In order to navigate any journey, a person must have the right tools, a plan or strategy, and the right attitude. It’s all about attitude or mindset. Know that it is a journey of falling, learning, hurting and getting back up as you grow.

At the onset of a pursuit, we usually don't even know which tools to buy, create ourselves and bring along. The more experience (failures) and knowledge we accumulate, the smoother the sailing, or the better we weather storms.

As your skills and wisdom develop, you will need to keep your tools sharp. Times change. Darwin and life teaches as the value of adaptability… that’s a growth mindset. Even the master learns new lessons every day. Growth, development and improvement are never-ending. If you allow your skills and knowledge to plateau, you are inviting stagnation and decay.  

Learn more and be inspired to spread your wings and reach higher with my book FLYING WITHOUT A NET 2.0 - or contact me to set up a FREE personal coaching discovery session.


Vital Germaine

1. 2021 book FRONT cover_flying without a net 2.0 JPEG.jpg


Flying Without a Net 2.0 has been called: 

  • Powerful!

  • Inspirational!

  • Triumphant!

  • 5-Stars!

  • A  TEN! 


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Yeh done messed up! Now what?


Whatever it is you are currently dreaming of or working on, it doesn’t have to be perfect to be shared. Honor the element of delivering quality and live up to your brand standards, but don’t demand or expect perfection from yourself or anybody else. This doest no mean being unprepared and putting out crappy product or services. Aim high and then higher, but never for perfection. The pursuit of perfection will drive you nuts and hurt you… I know all too well.

Making errors sucks. Falling hurts. Be emotionally strong to not let it get you down. Brush off the dust, laugh at yourself, get up and go again with a smile on your face and belief in your heart that tomorrow will be better... because it probably will.

Be kind to yourself. Forgive yourself for those lesser moments when you are not perfect… you are actually learning and growing during those times. Be patient until you improve, or better option presents itself, or the teacher appears. Just like performers, go back into the training/class room and practice. Work at your skill and optimize your genius. Besides, if you’re giving your best and are authentic, the audience will be on your side wanting you to succeed. Ride that wave. While you are in the process of learning, growing and taking risks, most people will be forgiving and understanding.


One of the lessons most performers/artists learn is that during a show, when #@%& goes wrong, the audience doesn’t know unless:

1: Somebody gets seriously hurt and drastic action is needed

2: The error is SO obvious… kind of like when a runway model slips over her heels and tries so hard to not fall but eventually does… and it might hurt physically as well as emotionally.

3: You tell them through the different forms we communicate with

Don’t announce your errors or mistakes, unless it’s during execution or delivery of a service of product which can’t be fixed. Then, an apology is needed along with a plan of action to remedy the error (offer options). 


Vital Germaine

President of ENGAGE Teams 360: professional development

What separates achievers from those who never live their dreams?

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People often begin a venture, such as applying for a job, approaching a romantic prospect, starting a business, wanting promotion or a pay increase and fall prey to 3 main behavioral pillars.  As long as these three traits reside in your psyche,  success is almost impossible.


Any journey to self actualization is tough. Void of self belief it’s almost self sabotage.

1993, I auditioned for Cirque du Soleil while living in Manhattan on the most meager of budgets. Prior to the Cirque audition, professional rejection had become common-place. Fate tempted me to give up on my dream and head home to the small town of Blankenberge on the coast of Belgium. 

At the end of almost 2 years of struggle in Manhattan, I had lost belief in my ability to ever achieve my American dream. Without hope and confidence, aspirations die before they ever had the chance to breathe and live. 

My life changed when my attitude changed! When I believed that I could and deserved to fly, my wings appeared.

At the time I'd never heard of Cirque du Soleil. I thought it a silly idea to audition for a circus.  I had not sacrificed everything in Belgium to run away with a circus, wear over-sized shoes, a red nose and clean up elephant dung. During the audition I initially felt out of my league and intimidated. When i reminded myself that I had as good a chance as anyone here, everything changed. I forgot about my insecurities and doubts.  I felt free and hopeful. I lived in the moment with childlike vigor and performed with the utmost enthusiasm and confidence. 

Believing in your potential and that you deserve what's on the other side of doubt, risk and fear will set you free. Believing makes you confident and gives you wings. As long as I didn't believe in me, my subconscious would only attract, disappointment and failure.  

What separates achievers from those who never live their dreams is the belief they can and will, even when tempted to give up. They simply can't let go of their dream because their conviction compels them to keep going. they know success will be theirs. They remain optimistic midst the rejection, the "no's" and the failures. The pursuit is relentless. A positive outlook is the constant. It helps them get back up at each standing count, when life has knocked them down. 


During the entire first couple of years of Manhattan life, I was constantly pre-occupied with what others thought about my abilities, what they thought about my "foolish" American dream and what they'd say if I failed. 

Being pre-occupied with what other's think or say is kryptonite to the dreaming and ambitious mind. 

The more we worry about the opinions of others, the more we are shackled, the harder it is to become our best self and succeed. Our purpose is not based on what other's think. Our purpose is based on what compels us to do what we do; your why? We must not allow our reason for being to be distracted by the values and expectations that others place upon us. 

Never feel the need to validate or explain your values, dreams and desires to others. Most won't understand. Others don't care. Not to mention, many are secretly hoping you fail. Deny the naysayers and doubters. It's your dream. The second character trait that kills dreams is, "worrying what others' think or say."


Having a vision is the launching pad. There are two other steps attached to vision;

  • STRATEGY: One must build an engine to travel the journey. Set your compass, create a roadmap and adjust along the way. Never give up on the vision. Always adapt the plan or strategy. Take risks knowing failure is a part of the equation.

  • EXECUTION and FOLLOW THROUGH: One must add fuel to the engine that propels and compels you.

When I moved to Manhattan to pursue my goals, it was not on blind whim. I had invested almost four years at a performing arts academy in Brugge, Belgium to hone  my talent and skills as a dancer. I spend hours, days, weeks and months envisioning what the dream looked and tasted like. I could smell it. 

In order to navigate any journey, a person must have the right tools, a plan or strategy, and the right attitude: A VISIONS. At the onset of a pursuit, we usually don't even know which tools to buy, create ourselves and bring along. The more experience and knowledge we accumulate, the smoother the sailing.

As your skills and wisdom develop, you will need to keep your tools sharp and updated. Times change. Darwin and life teaches as the value of adaptability. Leverage your creative genius to overcome obstacles, problem solve and understand which new tools you will need and where to obtain them. Have the attitude of a constant learner. Even the master learns new lessons every day. Growth, development and improvement are never-ending. If you allow your skills and knowledge to plateau, you are inviting stagnation and decay.  It's the same as never updating software. In time you will find yourself left behind unable to remain effective or relevant. 

Read more in the book

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How can you know who to trust?

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There are predominantly two schools of thought when it comes to trusting people. Some are of the mindset that trust must be earned. Others trust as their default setting until proven wrong. Do you know which philosophy you subscribe to?

One thing most would agree with, is that years of trust can be destroyed within a second or a singular act. It’s really hard to rebuild once broken.

There are no guarantees when it comes to trust.

If you’ve been betrayed before when sharing too much or trusting somebody with something that is very personal, including your heart, read on. If you’ve not been betrayed read on so that you don’t get blind-sided.

To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved.
— George MacDonald

Revealing too much can set you up for sabotage, hurt or humiliation. Vulnerability can, nonetheless, invite and initiate deep and meaningful relationships. It’s a delicate dance.

In reality, we only reveal too much if it’s with the wrong person. The right person will honor and protect your secrets, your insecurities and your wounds. The right person will protect your heart. The wrong person will use them as ammo to take advantage of you or make you a victim of their selfishness and lack of integrity. So how can you tell who to trust and how much to trust them?

Being aware of the following will help:

1. INTUITION: Obey your intuition. If you feel as much as the slightest inclination that you don’t trust a person, you’re probably right.

2. LISTEN: Really listen to what they say. People eventually tell you who they are if you listen carefully and long enough.

3. LISTEN: This is not a typo, but intentionally repeated with a slight difference. Pay as much attention to what wasn’t said. Read between the lines. There’s a lot of hidden info within the empty space and silence.

4. INTEGRITY: Pay close attention to their actions, in particular, if and when they are repeated. We all have habits and default settings that get revealed when under stress or pressure. Example; if they’re rude to the waiter (or to you for that fact) because they had a bad day, it could be a one-off situation. We all have those days where we lose our composure OR are put into a situation where are integrity is challenged or compromised; we may be cornered and feel the need to lie (in its multiple forms). However, if this bad behavior, lying or deceit repeats, chances are they have a character and honesty issue. Though we can sometimes understand a lie, it’s actually never okay, just like there is no validation to being rude and disrespectful even when the other person might have deserved it. (I’m preaching though I’m not a saint and have messed up in this department before FYI). Humans are always true to their character, in particular under pressure and when they can no longer maintain the facade.

5. APOLOGY: Can they even say sorry when they’ve lied, have been rude, disrespectful, disloyal, manipulative, abusive, inconsiderate and insensitive? If the answer is yes, that’s good news, HOWEVER! If they can’t own what they “f*&^ up in, they can’t be trusted. Note: There are 2 types of transgressions. 1: somebody independently owns up to a transgression because their conscience compels them to. 2: they fess up because they got busted. I personally judge this situation and this person differently.

There must be changed behavior if they lied or messed up. This is a great barometer to gauge earned trust levels. Sometimes people know they messed up but are too proud (or ashamed) to admit it. However, they always know if they’ve been honest or not; even the narcissist knows. If their conscience is in a good and trustworthy place (never with a narcissist), the bad behavior will slowly eat them alive and they will come clean. If they don’t ever achieve this, then don’t ever express vulnerability or trust them again… unless, they demonstrate enough effort over an extended period of time (which you will determine for yourself), with enough evidence to suggest they have changed. If this never happens, cut your losses and find a better friend, lover or boss, because your current one can’t and shouldn’t be trusted.

6. INTUITION: Same as 1. Sometimes your intuition will scream in desperation to save you that the person is not to be trusted; when meeting the cliche slimy and cheesy used car salesman, for example. You know you're gonna get taken-advantage of. Other times, the “not to be trusted vibes” are more subtle. Either way, intuition is always active and accessible. It’s something that can be developed, beginning with the awareness that you have it.

7. HISTORY/PAST: There is nothing worse than condemning somebody for their past behaviors. People do learn, grow, mature and change. However, somebody’s past shouldn’t be completely overlooked. It is potentially a red flag. Snakes shed their skins but remain snakes. If they are a narcissist, they will not change, so never be fooled by the great Oscar-award-winning acting skills. Then again, what was once an ugly lava can turn into the most beautiful butterfly. If you observe all other steps mentioned in this blog, then whether or not their past behaviors are a reason to trust of distrust them will be revealed.

IN CLOSING: Ultimately, the biggest trust red flag that you should never ignore is if and when somebody you trust violates somebody else’s trust. This means you witnessed them either lying to another person, cheating on another person, or stealing from another person… OR revealed another person’s secret to you. The odds they will do the same to you are so high that it’s best to simply not trust them! Walk away with your character and or wallet in tact.

If you have additional tips or lessons to add, if you agree or disagree, please share the value of your thoughts in the comments below.

Thank you,

Vital Germaine

President of ENGAGE Teams 360 / 6-time author / keynote speaker / mindset coach