Optimizing Your End of Year Self-Evaluation
/It’s almost that time of year to look back, reminisce, become nostalgic, mourn your losses, and/or celebrate your achievements.
As you look back, try doing so with more intention to learn from this year’s experiences. Don’t over analyze events, but do, nonetheless, evaluate the lessons, missed and seized opportunities.
What did you learn? Be honest with yourself.
What did you like and should do more of? Celebrate yourself.
Which lessons were painful and need avoiding? Be gentle with yourself.
Growing is not necessarily about immediate results but a continual investment in the self through awareness and commitment. There is a Japanese business philosophy called KAIZEN. In short, it means incremental growth done consistently over time. It’s about gradually developing a new lifestyle rather than new habits. For example, losing X amount of weight within X amount of weeks is a diet (a short term habit). Changning your lifestyle means the behavior becomes you and you become the behavior. This makes it more easily sustainable, minimizing a relapse into old habits. It’s about creating a new LIFESTYLE.
To learn more aspects of this growth mindset and being open to the new, read my book, THINK LIKE AN ARTIST.
Vital Germaine