3 Reasons Why and How They Won't Believe You?

Most people wont and can’t believe what a narcissist is capable of. Why?

3 main reasons:

1. At the onset of the relationship they had already planted seeds of doubt in your circle. Its the precurser to the post relationship #smearcampaign PLUS, they have flying monkeys to perpetuate and validate how crazy and unstable you are.

2. They have carefully and strategically crafted a public persona that defies the possibilities of all any of your accusations. They are master manipulators who have charmed and seduced everybody they kbow, maintaining their status and fake reputation. It’s all smoke and mirrors.

3. What they did is simply so ugly, “who could do such things unprovoked.” Meaning, YOU must have caused it.

Just walk away and accept that walking away is the only “victory,” peace and revenge you will ever get. There is no other way to heal and find you again.

Along that journey of recovery and empowerment, remember to have empathy for yourself!

Vital Germaine