How to find your inner genius

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Do you feel like you could do more, and become more, yet feel held back? It’s a common mindset. But what exactly is holding you back… other than yourself? Adult programming is the culprit. Everything about adulthood pulls us further and further away from our inner genius.

We are taught to think the same. We are advised to fit in and not be difficult. We are alienated if not vilified for being different; he/she/they are weird. As a result, we build ceilings that imprison our minds. Wouldn’t it be great to feel free and become the truest and best version of you? How do you do that?

It’s simple though not easy.

Your authentic inner child is where your genius lies. It’s been dulled by society. A child hear’s on average 232 “no’s” or negative comments a day on average according to numerous surveys and studies. Breaking that mental and emotional cycle is where you’ll find your wings. Learn more in my book, FLYING BEYOND THE NET.

It’s a daring journey to unlearn everything you’ve been taught by reconnecting with you your inner child; the inner child who has infinite imagination, limitless amounts of hope and enthusiasm. The inner child who sees beyond the stars and who dares dream of the absurd and impossible.

Now the question becomes, how to you leverage that super power?

It’s a process that takes time. There is no magic “matrix” pill. The journey begins with becoming more playful in the way you look at, and do things. Be silly even, as you let go of your adult ego who becomes so afraid to fail or be judged. Think of the toddler learning to walk. There is no shame in falling down while learning to walk. Wheeee. Oops. Let’s go again… and again and again. There is no, “I can’t do this.”

Train yourself to go on more adventures; don’t become Lara Croft or Indiana Jones. Simple things like taking a different route to work and enjoying the new scenery. Become infinitely curious about everything. Cover yourself in paint and laugh about it. Look in the mirror and pull silly faces and make silly noises (not in the office bathroom!). Start imagining stuff… what would it be like to have wings and fly? Where would you go? What would you do? Play, play, play! Dive into Pandora’s box with reckless abandon. Don’t lean over the edge… fall of spectacularly and believe your wings will emerge before you look like Wile E. Coyote splatting at the bottom of the Grand Canyon… hey wait a minute… that would be awesome. Wheeeee.

Your inner child is yelling for you to come back.

To optimize your growth, read one of my books on this topic:

FLYING BEYOND THE NET, leveraging your creativity to grow your wings.

INNOVATION MINDSET, reimagining business, leadership and company culture.

If you agree/disagree, or would like to add to this blog, I’d love to hear from you. Drop a comment.


Vital Germaine