What is the value of a positive attitude?
/“The last of human freedoms is the ability to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances.”
Having a positive attitude doesn’t mean that everyday is filled with sunshine and happiness. Positive people have down days and moments of doubt and pessimism. It’s a matter of choosing to stay on the pessimistic side, or living with hope and belief that tomorrow can and will be better, if not great.
Our attitudes either empower us to live the dream, or they shackle us to experience unfulfilled potential. This can create ripple effects as leaders within an organization's culture, as entrepreneurs or as family members and friends.
We all face challenges in both our personal and professional lives. No matter how hard the challenge, we have the choice to dig deep, see beyond the obstacles and thrive. It all depends on your attitude. Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl once said, “The last of human freedoms is the ability to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances.”
Take time on a regular bases to step back (or out of yourself) and be aware of your attitude. Adjust accordingly.
Attitudes are contagious. Good ones make the world a better place. Positive attitudes invite dreams come true and fulfillment. For some strange reason, the more positive our attitudes are the more positive the outcomes become. It helps to live with optimism, hope and belief in all situations and environments. Not only for ourselves but for those we influence and interact with. We have the ability to make the world a better place by so choosing. It’s a question of how hungry we are to leverage the last of human freedoms. Take time on a regular bases to step back (or out of yourself) to be aware of your attitude. Adjust accordingly.
In my top-selling book, FLYING WITHOUT A NET, I share an inspirational journey that personifies the power of our attitude. A positive attitude gives us wings, empowering us to see beyond challenge and overcome anything and everything.
FLYING WITHOUT A NET is an introspective journey about digging deep, overcoming obstacles and finding ways to achieve one's goals and dreams. If you need to shift or learn how to optimize your attitude then this book is for you. As an added incentive, if you are curious to discover what it's like to run away with the circus, but not just any circus... Mesdammes et Messieurs, Le Cirque du Soleil, then buy the book now. You won’t be able to put it down (as have endless readers declared).
The book has been called:
In celebration of the 5 year anniversary of releasing the top-selling book, Flying Without a Net, the cover has been updated for a re-launch.